My poor, sweet neglected blog!
About a year ago I was writing all the time and I
was loving it. For at least a few years, “We're All Made of Stars” was regularly
updated. In 2015 I was also very busy working on
a book and pitching it to publishers and agents. I was doing some really fun freelance writing as well contributing to a
website and co-hosting a radio show.
And then life happened, and here I am, almost a year
later. At the end of last year I had queued up quite a few
re-posts (or even re-re-posts) but the last real blog post I did was last November. And even before that the last real-real blog post I did was last August!
So here I am, nearly a year later, and I find myself on the hazy, muggy edges of
another strange, weird summer. So I
thought it was time to update my neglected blog, and write a bit about my
wild, crazy, cosmic life...
June 2015
I spent a lot of time with my sister this
summer. She was having some weird
housing issues and was soon to be moving back to New Mexico. We spent a lot of time eating and shopping
and gossiping. I really miss her. We went to a local lavender festival again, and that was a sweet and lovely time, too.
I taught a workshop on Elder: The Queen of Herbs. That was a lovely, magical experience! I really love playing with herbs, and I don't do it nearly as often as I should.
bee friend and lavender friend |
I spent a lot of time this month applying for jobs. I had graduated in May of 2014 and still had not found a job in my field. It was very depressing.
July 2015
I spent the first part of this month looking for a
job, and I found one! My very first
grown-up social work job, working as a child and family therapist. However, because of training and paperwork,
I wouldn’t see my first client until the end of August.
The Triangle Area Pagan Alliance celebrated it's third annual 4th of July/Independence Day ritual down at the Eno
River. What a lovely little ritual! I'm looking forward to this year's ritual a lot.
I think I had an initiation around this time, too
August 2015
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World Goddess Day 2015 |
September 2015
I was so excited to officiate my very first same-sex (and Pagan!)
wedding down at Wilmington. It was such
a sweet ceremony, lovely and loving family, and the brides were amazing
people! The whole experience was such an
I was starting to get busier with work, but I never
really got as busy as I needed to.
Me and a sister-witch co-facilitated a ritual for
the 2nd Annual World Goddess Day.
What a great experience! We met
some great friends at this ritual, including a researcher from Brazil. We can’t wait for this year’s ritual!
Me and my co-committee with the Triangle Area Pagan Alliance had another information table at this year’s Pagan Pride Day. We also facilitated and attended a ton of
workshops, and had a blast. We were so
exhausted and happy and pleased! I
facilitated a workshop on Christopaganism, and attended a great workshop of
Pagans and Mental Illness. We met a ton
of great folks this year, too, and I can’t wait for 2016!
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The Super Duper Space Witch meets Selena Fox |
October 2015
October is the best month ever! I had started watching spooky movies back in August so I was really in the mood this year. I worked a lot this month, having a ton of
fun with my clients. We had a lot of
bats around our house and I loved to sit on the back porch and watch them swoop
and soar in the twilight. I went to a
ton of dance parties and regular parties.
I also went to a social work licensing exam conference, which freaked me
For Halloween, Steve wore a lovely owl mask. I was a “space witch” because, well, you
know. We attended a masquerade/benefit
party for the Carrack, a local non-profit arts pace, and then later a dance party/art show at the Best Venue that Doesn’t Exist.
November 2015
I had the honor of officiating another wedding this
month. This one Harry Potter themed –
Death Eaters, to be exact. Another sweet
family and gorgeous venue.
a very Harry Potter wedding |
My in-laws came into town for Thanksgiving and we
took them to our favorite Honduran place in town. We had a wonderful meal with my friend and
her son, delicious pies, and then later had some friends over for some board
games. We were all stuffed for two months after two days of eating.
We were also evicted from our house because our
landlady decided to sell. Ugh.
Work was good!
Challenging and fun. Not as many
hours and not as much pay as I needed but… honestly, I was just happy to be
working and doing something I loved and am good at.
December 2015
My housemate and I found an amazing little house in
the middle of the woods. It was
literally love at first sight. I hope we
get to live here for forever.
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Community Solstice Party |
Before the move, though, TAPA collaborated with some
local groups (Fellowship of the Oak, Gaia’s Circle, Whispers of the Forest,
Bull Moon Hearth) for a really great community solstice party. We had food, a super charged drum circle,
sweet little ritual, chatting. Such a
great event, and I’m so excited to do it again this year!
Christmas was balls.
I got the flu really badly right after we moved, and was just
miserable. We had some dinner with a
friend of ours which was nice, but I had no energy to do anything else. The best part of Christmas this year was
Steve and I driving around town for a few hours, listening to Christmas music
and just chatting. It had been the first
time in months that we were able to spend together and have a conversation that
wasn’t dominated by business or drama.
And then my best friend came into town and we ate
and ate and ate. Yay! Work was incredibly slow this month, which
was nice because it gave me time and energy to move and unpack. We had our annual New Year’s Eve party, and
this year’s theme was Bacchanalia. I
knew it was a good party because people didn’t leave until 6am. I have no idea what next year's theme will be, but I'm excited for it already.
January 2016
Work started to get busy again this month, though we
had a snow storm that left us stuck on our little hilltop in the woods. That was actually quite lovely. I colored a lot this month. Unfortunately I suffered through a really bad
eczema flare-up through much of this winter, and even in June I am still
feeling some of the dryness and sensitivity from that.
A sister-witch came to live with us for a few
months! She was in town for a show, so
the next three months were spent eating and talking about social justice.
And this is the month that I began my love-affair with
Arcana. <3 <3 <3
Work continued to increase, little by little. But finally I was building my caseload, and
starting to see some great work with my clients.
I facilitated a really great Imbolc ritual for Gaia's Circle that I’m
really proud of. We had a good group,
and people seemed really happy.
Still eczema…
More dance parties at Arcana!
March 2016
More rituals, more parties. I facilitated a little ritual/tea party for Gaia’s Circle, and since the weather was quite awful we had to squeeze inside
my little house. But it was okay, because
people seemed rather happy.
My Druids facilitated a ritual down at Fellowship of the Oak, and it was almost a little too good.
People seemed really engaged, and it ended up lasting a long time (a bit
too long!) It was a great ritual devoted to the Muses and Mnemosyne, and it was a good learning experience for
us as ritual facilitators.
Another sister-friend came to stay with us, so for a
little while we had a full house of up to six people. Cozy!
I went to a conference on ethics, and during the
super boring and dumb luncheon I sat with some of my old professors. It was so nice to share about my own career,
and also to catch up on some department gossip.
In the middle of March, we found ourselves scrambling
together for some social justice magic and ritual, as well as some protest in
response to HB2. It’s great to have a
pre-written ritual that you can just do at a moment’s notice, old friends and
comrades sinking into familiar words and familiar energy.
I did a really weird interview with our local rag,
the Indy. I spoke to the journalist for
almost an hour and I was given a whole two lines! I guess it’s better than nothing, and I’ve
worked as a journalist so I know how this game goes. But I had some mixed feelings about the resulting article.
Still eczema…
More dance parties at Arcana!
April 2016
I turned 32.
I met friends at The Palour for ice cream and had a lovely time. Later that week, me and a sister-witch had a
shared birthday party. My husband,
sister-witch, and housemate surprised me with a house show! My housemate got his band to play with him,
and they played Life on Mars, I Know You Love Me, Old Friends, Shadowplay, and
Death. I was stunned and moved to tears
at all of the time and effort they put forward, and the love they and my other
friends showed me that night.
My sister-witch did a dance-ordeal, loosely based on
Inanna’s decent into the underworld. The
ritual was amazing and powerful. (An
ordeal for us all.) She was making plans
to move back home, since her show was done.
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"The Drunken Sailor" |
And then I fell and broke my foot.
I was on my way home from seeing clients and
was (reluctantly) meeting a friend for burritos. I crossed the street, or at least tried to,
and I fell, heard a SNAP (sounded like a twig!) and then down into the gutter I
went. Luckily I had friends there to
literally help pull me out of the gutter.
A homeless man asked me for some money.
A woman pulled over in her car to see if I was okay.
Went to the Doc, was put on a boot, given some
crutches, and waited for the swelling to go down. I saw a specialist later, and decided to opt
out of the surgery. And thus began my
8-week binge on painkillers, books, coloring, and Netflix.
D-d-dance parties at Arcana! (but before I broke my foot)
May 2016
Because of the broken foot, I had to cancel ALL of
my rituals. Like, all of the rituals I
had planned from the middle of April to the end of July. I was a devastated, and to be honest, I’m
still a bit sad about it. But this
broken foot thing has been a lesson in self-care, and s-l-o-w-i-n-g down. I had to miss Beltane (my all-time favorite
holiday. October may be my favorite
month, but I think Beltane is my favorite holiday) but some sweet, sweet
friends came over on Walpurgisnacht to bring me MAY PIG and to hang out and
chat with me. It was so great, and so
touching, and really just what I needed.
I needed to be around community, and I was so blessed that my community
came to me.
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sweet tears of relief! |
Even though I was very immobile, I had a ton of
visitors in May. One of my friends set
up a meal train for me, and I was very well fed and taken care of. Thank you, friends! I don’t know what we would have done if not
for people feeding me, and feeding me well.
I had plenty of leftovers. April and
May are hard for Steve because of the pressures of the end of the year at
school (plus the anxiety of saving money for the summer, which was even harder
with medical bills and me not working), so people bringing food meant he didn’t
have to grocery shop and he didn’t have to cook for me. (Or clean up after cooking.) Such a blessing!
So… I couldn’t work because I couldn’t drive. (Well, most of the time I couldn’t even hobble
to the bathroom or take a shower or feed myself, let alone see clients for therapy, so…) My clients were transferred
to other therapists, and I have to start over with a whole new caseload. This has been majorly devastating for me, not
just because of the financial loss, but because I really, truly care for my clients. They had all been doing such good work, and I
was sad to have to break that relationship so abruptly.
June 2016
So, here we are.
I’ve been reading, writing, and healing.
I haven’t had to use my crutches in a few weeks, and I hope to be out of
the boot completely by the end of the month.
I’m slowly weaning myself off, and aside from a swollen ankle here or
there, I’m doing well. I’m trying to get
back into writing, especially because work will be a little uncertain for the
time being. I did some major work on the website for the Triangle Area Pagan Alliance, and that has been
satisfying. I hope to build a website
for Gaia’s Circle, too, and maybe one for Steve for some potential translation
Last night a friend took me to see Sharon Knight,
and that was just amazing. It was almost
a dream come true, to sit in my favorite bar, where the owner knows my name and
brings me a drinks special. I was able to listen to some witchy, Pagan musicians, sharing their craft. I was surrounded my friends, engaged in
lively conversation. I saw some acquaintances,
met some new friends, and did some great Pagan networking. I came home and even though my foot was killing me my husband said “you look
like you had a good time.” And I did, I
really, really did.
A lot of my future is uncertain. How will we pay bills this summer? How quickly will my foot heal? What will I do about my career? What is the next step for TAPA, for Gaia’s Circle? Will I have the energy and
follow-through to get back into my writing?
But looking back at the past year, I want to remind
myself to take it easy. Things will
happen unexpectedly, and that’s okay. I
know I’ll have a lot of fun, I’ll learn a lot, I’ll continue to meet new
people, and I’ll deepen the relationships I have with the people who I already know and love. The community will continue to grow
and expand and connect and network and reconnect, like an enforced net/web. This summer will be strange and
lovely and exciting, because that’s exactly what my life is.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You rock my lady. Look at all you have accomplished this year, even with the sudden move and broken foot!